Inglês, perguntado por vininogueiraaa, 8 meses atrás

Na frase: "You're right; as teacher I should have reprimanded him from comming here". O verbo modal "Should" tem o sentido dê: *

5 pontos






Na frase: "When you think you can't go anymore, remember...". O verbo modal "Can't" tem o sentido dê: *

5 pontos


Future forms



Without the ability/don't be able to

Na frase: "You won't be able to stop him head on. Use your wits". O verbo "won't" pode ser substituído por: *

5 pontos

You not are going to able to stop him head on. Use your wits.

You aren't be able to stop him head on. Use your wits.

Are you going to able to stop him head on. Use your wits

You will not be able to stop him head on. Use you wits.

You'll be able to stop him head on. Use wits.

Watch this video clip of and answer the questions (Assista este clipe e responda as perguntas):

Como seria o verso "I’ll bring your coffee" com going to? *

5 pontos

I’m going to bring your coffee.

I’re going to bring your coffee.

I will gonna to bring your coffee.

I am not going to bring your coffe.

Am I going to bring your coffe.

Complete a frase: "Just say you_____________let go *

5 pontos

Are not going to


Are going to


Are gonna​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por juliaamora94


Na frase: "You're right; as teacher I should have reprimanded him from comming here". O verbo modal "Should" tem o sentido de:


Na frase: "When you think you can't go anymore, remember...". O verbo modal "Can't" tem o sentido de:

Without the ability/don't be able to

Na frase: "You won't be able to stop him head on. Use your wits". O verbo "won't" pode ser substituído por:

You will not be able to stop him head on. Use you wits

Watch this video clip of and answer the questions (Assista este clipe e responda as perguntas):  Como seria o verso "I’ll bring your coffee" com going to?

I’m going to bring your coffee.

Complete a frase: "Just say you_____________let go


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