Inglês, perguntado por SCCPIZAQUE, 6 meses atrás

My Life
My name is José. I was born in Argentina, and moved to Brazil when I was very young. Before !
moved to Brazil, my dad traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 years from Brazil and back to Buenos Aires
He says he spent his time working in any available job including some farm labor jobs and went back
to Brazil to spend time with us.
1. Answer these questions in English. (Responda as perguntas em inglês.)
a) When did José move to Brazil?
b) Who traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 years from Brazil and back to Buenos Aires?
c) How did José's father spend his time?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kuniyo777


a)When I was very young

b)A father of José

c)Your father worked in any available labor and agricultural job

Espero te ajudado bons estudos

Respondido por heeysilvaaa

Resposta:A) when I was still young.

b) José father.

c) spent their time working in any available job


ai está suas respostas; -)

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