Inglês, perguntado por kamivitoria1110, 11 meses atrás

MY healthy Life
Every day my family eats healthy food, like fish or salad. We don’t eat bad foods and we try to cut out chocolate, cakes, puddings and cappuccino but don’t eliminate them completely. We eat vegetables, like: carrots, cabbages, lettuce, tomato, potato, beet and cauliflower and fruits, like: grape, passion fruit watermelon, apple, orange, lemon, banana, fish and grains, like: peas, rice and beans. We usually have seven portions of fruits and vegetables a day. We don’t eat much meat or fast food.
Every day my husband and I go to the gym because physical activity is very important in our life. We are relaxed and “take our time” and we are hardly ever ill. I like to walk, ride a bike and to dance. I hate cigarettes and my husband doesn’t smoke too. We have a cup of red wine because “wine” is very good to the heart.
I read three good books a month. Now I’m reading “A menina que roubava livro” de Markus Zusak, this is good book, I love books! My husband, Alvaro, reads things about informatics because he loves computer. He is a policeman but when he doesn’t work, he fixes computers. My baby is Matheus, he is five years old, he loves to speak English, he plays the computer and he plays with his bike. We love our life!!!!!!!!
a) Que vegetais a família gosta?
b) E frutas?
c) Qual bebida faz bem ao coração?
d) Qual é o título do texto em português?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por laraarmani
a) cenoura,repolho , alface ,tomate, batata , beterraba e couve-flor.

b) uva , maracujá, melancia, maçã, laranja ,limão e banana.

c) vinho.

d) minha vida saudável.
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