Inglês, perguntado por Armyotaka, 11 meses atrás

4- Answer the questions
I am Carol
A) Who introduces the Family
I want to introduce my Family to you.
( ) Albert
( ) Caro
Albert is my father.
B) Who is the father?
Rose is my mother.
C) Who is the mother?
Albert and Rose are my parentes.
D) Who is the brother?
Mark is my brother and Lilly is my little sister. E) Who is the sister?
My Family is very happy.
F) Who is very happy?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por carolinamorais6


A) The Carol

B) Albert is the father

C) Rose is the mother

D) Mark is the older brother

E) Lilly is the little sister

F) Her family is very happy

OBS: Amei a foto de perfil :)

Respondido por emsmendes1718


A) Who introduces the Family?

R= Carol

B) Who is the father?

R= Albert

C) Who is the mother?

R= Rose

D) Who is the brother?

R= Mark

E) Who is the sister?

R= Lilly

F) Who is very happy?

R= A família de Carol


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