Inglês, perguntado por jennifercmv15, 8 meses atrás

Escreva forma correta do verbo CAN (Afirmativa ou negativa ) das frases abaixo:

1. We _____go to the beach today because it’s raining. *

2.Denise ___________ play the piano. She knows how to play it. *

3. Excuse-me, where ___________ I buy a bus ticket? *

4. Henry __________ meet us tomorrow at three o’clock. We will meet him in the library. *

5. Spiders ________ fly.
I ______ use my mobile phone to connect to the internet.
I didn't finish my work, so I __________ go home now. *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fernandap26911
1 can't
2 can
3 can
4 can
5 can't
6 can
7 can't
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