Inglês, perguntado por Ranna07, 6 meses atrás

Mude as sentenças a baixo para o passado Simple Past:

She buys a book.

The teacher punishes the boy.

The little girl laughs at the beggar.

They know it.

He does not tell lies.

They do not wa it for anybody.

The masons build the house.

They invite us to their party.

His manners disgust me.

She sings a lovely song.

It is time to start.

He wants to kill the snake.​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lennisousa77

She buys a book- Ela comprou um livro

The Teacher punishes the boy-

O professor castigou o menino

The girl laughs at the beggar- A menina Riu do mendigo

They know it- Eles sabiam disso

He does not tell lies- Ele não contou mentiras

They do not wa it for anybody. Eles não esperaram por ninguém

The masons build the house. Os pedreiros construíram a casa

They invite us to their party. Eles nos convidaram para sua festa

His manners disgust me. Seus modos me enjoaram

She sings a lovely song. Ela cantou uma canção adorável

It is time to start. era hora de começar

He wants to kill the snake. Ele matou a cobra

desculpe de nao ajudei muito tentei fazer o meu máximo :(

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