Inglês, perguntado por nn5599717nayara, 11 meses atrás

Mude as palavras em negrito de feminino para masculino.

a. The girl looks very much like her mother.


b. The mistress gave her maidservant a present.


c. The nun is talking to my grandmother.


d. My aunt was an airplane stewardess once.


e. The cow was chased by the vixen.


f. My maternal aunt is a spinster.


g. My niece has a pet tabby-cat.


h. This actress played the part of the heroine in the movie.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jujuallanb


a) the boy looks very much like his father

b)the mister gave his servant a present

c)the monk is talking to my grandfather

d) My uncle was an airplane steward once

e) the bull was chased by the dog fox

f) my paternal uncle is a spinner

g)my nephew has a pet tom-cat

h)this actor played the part of the hero in the movie


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