Inglês, perguntado por Wesley12222, 10 meses atrás

Mude as frases a seguir para as formas interrogativa e negativa.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por esseaquimesmo
  1. Interrogativa: Are they John and Willian? Negativa : They are not John and Willian.
  2. Interrogativa: Am I a student? Negativa : I am not a student.
  3. Interrogativa: Is the green pencil on the table? Negativa : The green pencil is not on the table.
  4. Interrogativa: Is she my friend? Negativa : She is not my friend.
  5. Interrogativa: Are Carlos and Susane very good students? Negativa : Carlos and Susane are not very good students.
  6. Interrogativa: Are the black cat and the white rabbit very beautiful? Negativa: The black cat and the white rabbit are not very beautiful.
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