mudar as frases para a forma negativa
i love my husband. he is very handsome.
my brother has sideburns.
i have to brush my teeth in the morning.
i need to go to the doctor. i have a strong stomachache.
that lady has beautiful curly hair.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
I don't love my husband, he isn't very handsome
My brother doesn't have sideburns
I don't have to brush my teeth in the morning
I don't need to go to the doctor, I don't have a strong stomachache.
That lady doesn't has a beautidul curly hair.
Espero ter ajudado.
Respondido por
Boa noite
I don't love my husband
He isn't very handsome
My brother doesn't has sideburns
I don't have brush my teeth in the morning
I don't need to go the doctor. I don't have a strong stomachache. That lady doen't has beautiful curly hair
PS: Se você já teve aula sobre hasn't e has troque os doesn't por hasn't, mas se você não teve, então deixe assim mesmo
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