Inglês, perguntado por lilikaslopesp6sa8m, 8 meses atrás

Think of every electric and electronic device you have. They were only possible because a brilliant man discovered how we can use, produce, and manipulate electricity and magnetism back in the 19th century. Michael Faraday was born on September 22, 1791 in South London. As a child, he received only the most basic formal education, since his family was very poor. When he was 14, he became the apprentice of a bookbinder.

During the next seven years, he made books as a job during the day, and educated himself by reading the same in his spare time. He was particularly passionate about science. In 1812, Faraday attended lectures by a chemist named Humphry Davy and was absolutely amazed. Faraday took notes furiously during these lectures and compiled them in a book he later gave Davy. Faraday wanted to be a scientist and saw in Humphry Davy someone who could help him. In 1813, when Davy damaged his eyesight in an accident, he remembered the young man who had given him a book, and decided to employ Faraday to help him for a short period. Later that year, Davy appointed him to the official job of chemical assistant at the Royal Institution.

Faraday’s main responsibility as an assistant was to help Davy and other scientists with their experiments. Davy was never very supportive of Faraday’s ideas, and he was also target of prejudice because of his simple origins. In the 19th century, most scientists came from rich and noble families. One day Davy was trying to re-create a famous electromagnetism experiment with fellow chemist William Wollaston, wondering why applying an electric current to a wire caused that wire to behave like a
magnet. Clearly the forces were connected. Davy wanted to find a way to exploit this temporary effect to create mechanical motion for practical applications, but nobody had figured out how to make it happen continuously, as a kind of motor. As a joke, he told Faraday to try to make it work after he was done cleaning the lab.

The joke was on Davy: Faraday figured it out and completed the experiment. The result was the first (still primitive) electric motor. Faraday became an instant celebrity in the science community, and Davy became quite jealous of him. As a way to keep Faraday distant from the public eye, and also to humiliate him, Davy assigned Faraday an impossible task. At that time, Bavarian glass was the best one in the world, and it was largely used in microscopes and telescopes. Davy asked Faraday to discover the secret glass-making process invented by Josel Frauenhaufer, a brilliant Bavarian scientist. Faraday never learned the secret, despite four years of effort and repeated failures. In this time, he did almost no research on electricity.

In 1929, fate intervened on Faraday’s behalf. Humphry Davy died and Faraday stepped up to take his place. He was finally free to choose the projects he wanted to work on. Two years after Davy’s death, in 1831, he began a great series of experiments in which he discovered electromagnetic induction. This discovery was the breakthrough that years later would finally enable the
creation of generators and large-scale use of electricity.

What’s truly amazing is that Faraday did all this for the simple need of satiating his scientific curiosity. He didn’t have electric appliances in mind at all. One time Faraday was visited by a delegation of government dignitaries. He showed them his electric motors and other demos, and one person said “This is all very interesting, but of what possible use are these toys?” Faraday responded: “I cannot say what use they may be, but I can confidently predict that one day you will be able to tax them.”

true or false
1. If Michael Faraday hadn’t been curious about Science, he wouldn’t have been so successful. *
2. Michael Faraday was home schooled. *

3. Humphry Davy became Faraday’s greatest supporter. *

4. By reading the text, we can assume that Faraday was never quite sure about the applications of electricity. *

5. Faraday managed to produce Bavarian glass. *

. Davy intended to make fun of Faraday but it didn’t work. *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mategamer12345


Pois então, este é um exercício de interpretação sobre a história da eletricidade, por Faraday, Após ler o texto, analisemos as alternativas:

01) Se Michael Faraday não fosse tão curioso sobre ciência, ele não teria tido tanto sucesso.

  • Verdade, pois como cita no 2º parágrafo: "...He was particularly passionate about science." (Ele estava particularmente apaixonado sobre ciências.), o que o levou a ter o seu sonho de se tornar cientista, até se tornar um de verdade após a morte de Davy.

02) Michael Faraday estudava e aprendia as matérias em casa. (Home schooled)

  • O Texto não cita diretamente que ele estudava em casa, mas diz no 1º parágrafo que por ser muito pobre na sua infância, estudou apenas o ensino mais básico formal de educação, por ser um ensino formal, provavelmente foi uma escola, para complementar, em sua biografia cita que estudou, mesmo que numa situação muito precária numa escola, até seus 13 anos, então esta afirmativa é falsa.

03) Humpry Dave se tornou o melhor apoiador/suporte de Faraday.

  • Esta afirmação é falsa, apesar de Davy Aceitar Faraday como seu assistente, sempre o subestimava e até mesmo atrapalhava Faraday em suas origens e possibilidades de se tornar melhor. Pois como cita no 3° Parágrafo: "... Davy was never very supportive of Faraday's Ideas." (Davy nunca foi muito apoiador das ideias de Faraday.)

04) Depois de ler o texto, podemos dizer que Faraday nunca teve nenhuma certeza sobre as aplicações da eletricidade?

  • Esta afirmação é verdadeira, pois como é dito no último parágrafo após concluir os experimentos: "Faraday did all this for simple need of satiating his scientific curiosity ... He didn't have electric appliances in mind at all." (Faraday fez tudo isso apenas para saciar sua curiosidade científica ... Ele não tinha ideias de aplicações elétricas em mente."

05) Faraday conseguiu produzir o "Bavarian Glass".

  • Esta afirmação é falsa, seu mestre Davy lhe desafiou a encontrar a forma de produzir este vidro, que era secreta até então, Faraday nunca descobriu. Pois como é dito no 4° Parágrafo: "Faraday never learned the secret, despite four years of effort and repeated failures." (Faraday nunca descobriu o segredo, apesar de 4 anos de esforço e constantes falhas.)

06) Davy pretendeu zombar de Faraday, mas isso não funcionou.

  • Esta afirmação é verdadeira, pois Davy pegou um experimento que ele mesmo não conseguia resolver, e como uma piada pediu para Faraday resolver, ironicamente, Faraday conseguiu, fazendo com que a tentativa de zombação de Davy falhasse miseravelmente.

Então, temos que:

Afirmação 1: True

Afirmação 2: False

Afirmação 3: False

Afirmação 4: True

Afirmação 5: False

Afirmação 6: True

Espero ter ajudado, aprenda mais aqui:

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Respondido por anaclaudialara

1) A afirmações abaixo sobre o texto "Michael Faraday: electriciy's true father", que fala sobre a descoberta de como manipular a eletricidade e o magnetismo são:

  1. Verdadeira.
  2. Falsa.
  3. Falsa.
  4. Verdadeira.
  5. Falsa.
  6. Verdadeira.

Vamos às opções:

  • Na 1, é afirmado que Se não fosse a curiosidade pela Ciência de Michael Farady, ele nunca teria sido bem sucedido. Isso é verdade e encontra-se na seguinte parte do texto: "What’s truly amazing is that Faraday did all this for the simple need of satiating his scientific curiosity". Resumindo: tudo o que Faraday fez foi para saciar sua curiosidade científica.

  • Na 2, a questão diz que Faraday educado em casa. O texto não afirma isso, mas diz que: "As a child, he received only the most basic formal education, since his family was very poor". Ou seja, ele recebeu uma educação formal bem básica, porque sua família era muito pobre.

  • Na 3, é dito que Humprhy Davy é um grande apoiador de Faraday, o que é errado. Como esclarece o texto: "Davy was never very supportive of Faraday’s ideas". Apesar de ter dado um emprego a Faraday, Davy nunca apoiou muito as ideias de Faraday.

  • Na 4, afirma-se que Faraday nunca soube muito bem o uso prático da eletricidade. Isso é verdade. Encontra-se no seguinte trecho: "He didn’t have electric appliances in mind at all [...] I cannot say what use they may be, but I can confidently predict that one day you will be able to tax them".

  • Na 5, é afirmado que Faraday conseguiu produzir o vidro da Bavária. Errada: "Davy asked Faraday to discover the secret glass-making process invented by Josel Frauenhaufer, a brilliant Bavarian scientist. Faraday never learned the secret". Davy pediu que Faraday descobrisse o segredo do processo da criação do vidro, mas ele nunca descobriu o segredo.

  • Na 6, a questão diz que Davy fazia piadas sobre Faraday, o humilhava, mas isso não adiantou. Correta: "As a joke, he told Faraday to try to make it work after he was done cleaning the lab.  The joke was on Davy: Faraday figured it out and completed the experiment. The result was the first (still primitive) electric motor". Como piada, Davy desafiou Faraday a descobrir a solução para um experimento (achando que ele não ia conseguir). Mas Faraday descobriu.

Para saber mais sobre eletricidade, acesse:

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