Inglês, perguntado por bruno34254082, 2 meses atrás

MF agrees to loan up to $50bn for Argentina

The International Monetary Fund has accepted to lend Argentina up to $50bn (£37.2bn) as the country seeks to improve its struggling economy.

The agreement, which lasts three years, must still be approved by the IMF board.

Argentina, which has faced economic problems for years, asked for help from the IMF on 8 May after its currency hit an all-time low.

The country has been trying to face its double digit inflation and public spending as part of the deal.

"The [Argentine] authorities have indicated that they intend to draw on the first tranche of the arrangement, but subsequently treat the loan as precautionary," the IMF said in a statement on Thursday.

BBC 8 June 2018 ( adapted )

According to the text, the International Monetary Fund…

Escolha uma opção:

is going to lend Argentina some money.

has been trying to face its double digit inflation.

is going to borrow money from Argentina.

has faced economic problems for years.

was approved 3 years ago.

bruno34254082: a.
is going to lend Argentina some money.

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Respondido por megatai010


A. Is going to lend Argentina some money.


Esse trecho responde a pergunta: The International Monetary Fund has accepted to lend Argentina up to $50bn (£37.2bn) as the country seeks to improve its struggling economy.

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