Meu trabalho de ingles

Soluções para a tarefa
O trabalho infantil no mundo :
Apesar da maioria dos países proibirem o trabalho infantil em suas legislações, 152 milhões de crianças e adolescentes entre 5 e 17 anos foram submetidas ao trabalho infantil em 2016 ao redor do mundo, segundo dados disponibilizados pela Organização Internacional do Trabalho.
resumo em inglês:
Condemns unconditionally all forms of exploitation of children, whether in the form of sexual exploitation, including child pornography and child sex tourism, or compulsory labour, together with all forms of human trafficking; asks the Commission and Member States to recognise as a serious social and human rights issue, and take measures to solve, the problems of thousands of street children and children forced to beg, and calls on Member States to introduce sanctions against those responsible for the debasement of children forced to beg Its goal is to reduce the use of corporal punishment and humiliation of children as disciplinary methods, working to mobilize society, the [...]