meu nome é Camila apelido kan nome de meu pai é Erivan minha mãe Giselia tenho três irmãos Jhonailtom, Micaelly, Clara e eu, eu tenho 14 anos nascida em 29 do seis de 2005 Eu gosto de comer bolo pizza torta arroz feijão macarrão e eu não gosto de comer ovo e legumes
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my name is Camila nickname kan my father's name is Erivan my mother Giselia I have three brothers Jhonailtom, Micaelly, Clara and me, I am 14 years old born on the 29th of 6th of 2005 I like to eat cake pizza pie rice beans pasta and I don't I like to eat egg and vegetables
Respondido por
my name is Camila nickname kan my father's name is Erivan my mother Giselia I have three brothers Jhonailtom, Micaelly, Clara and me, I am 14 years old born on the 29th of 6th of 2005 I like to eat cake pizza pie rice beans pasta and I don't I like to eat egg and vegetables.
espero ter ajudado!
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