Soluções para a tarefa
A- Fill in the blanks with the simple past of the verb to be.
a) How old was Tim last year? was he ten or eleven?
b) When was Shirley's baby born?
c) When were they born?
d) They were not born in the spring. I am sure.
e) Uncle Richard was not at home last night.
f) Sam was on the beach with his friends.
g) They were all very happy.
h) Where were you at 11 am?
B- Complete with was or were.
a) Where was Mary last Saturday?
b) She was at the stadium.
c) You was there, too?
d) No, I was at home. And you?
e) My brothers, my sisters and I was at the exhibition
f) by the way, where was your broders that day
g) I dont know where my broder Jim was. He not at home whith me but the others was.
C- Change the sentences into the past.
a) He was a good student.
b) They were here.
c) It was all right.
d) We were busy.
e) She was happy.
f) They were at school.
g) I was not in the garden.
h) They were not sad.
i) Where he was?
j) Wasn't he at home?
k) It was not important.
D- Ask questions for the answers.
a) Was Jim at the bank yesterday?
b) Did we go to the cinema yesterday?
c) Were they at the hotel yesterday?
d) Was I at the station yesterday?
e) Was my aunt Lucy at the club yesterday?
E- Complete the statements. Follow the example.
a) He was at the church yesterday, but we didn't.
b) She was at the supermarket yesterday morning, but I didn't.
c) I was in the hospital yesterday afternoon, but they didn’t.
d) We were downtown last night, but he wasn’t.
e) They were in the mail last night, but you don’t.