Me responda o mais rápido possível pfv?
Soluções para a tarefa
Resposta: 3 questão;
probaly ///provável .
history // história (obs história a matéria escolar, história de "contos de fadas" é outra palavra.)
capital // capital
theatre //teatro
terrible // terrível
poems // poemas
others /// outros
created // criar
comedies // comédias
famous // famoso
Questão 4
a) biography
the story of a person’s life written by another person
Vou colocar a baixo a explicação de cada palavra citada em inglês:
Probably: used to mean that something is very likely
History: events that happened in the past
capital: capital city the most important city in a country or state
theatre: a building with a stage where people go to watch plays
terrible: very bad
poems: a piece of writing, especially one that has short lines and uses words that rhyme
others: other people
created: to make something happen or exist
comedies: a funny movie or play
famous: known by many people