Me deem 5 frases no plural (FORMA AFIRMATIVA) no singular (FORMA AFIRMATIVA) e na forma (NEGATIVA) No plural e forma negativa no singular! Em inglês! Por favor me ajudeeem
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
Plural afirmativo: *They have three dogs
* We are strong
* You three are a lovely family
* We ate chocolate yesterday
* They have a pool in their house
Plural negativo: * They do not have three dogs
* We are not strong
*You three are not a lovely family
*We do not ate chocolate yesterday
* They do not have a pool in their house
Sing. Afirmativo: * I am a good person
* You like him
* He is handsome
* She is a good student
* I love strawberry
Sing. Neg: * I am not a good person
* You do not like him
* He is not handsome
* She is not a good student
* I do not love strawberry
* We are strong
* You three are a lovely family
* We ate chocolate yesterday
* They have a pool in their house
Plural negativo: * They do not have three dogs
* We are not strong
*You three are not a lovely family
*We do not ate chocolate yesterday
* They do not have a pool in their house
Sing. Afirmativo: * I am a good person
* You like him
* He is handsome
* She is a good student
* I love strawberry
Sing. Neg: * I am not a good person
* You do not like him
* He is not handsome
* She is not a good student
* I do not love strawberry
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