Inglês, perguntado por nalimantonela, 10 meses atrás

Complete the sentences with appropriate comparative structures.
1. I know much ________________ English than I used to.
2. He’s even better at football ________________ his brother.
3. She’s getting more ______________ more confident.
4. The older you get, the _______________ you forget things.
5. I’m just as stubborn ___________ my mum.
6. These trousers ____________ nearly as comfortable as they looked.
7. The more tired I am, the ________________I’m able to achieve.
8. I love eating out, as _____________ most of my family.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nicolitony23
1. More
2. Than
3. And
4. Most
5. As
6. Are
7. Most
8. The same of

Eu acredito que estejam certos.

nalimantonela: OBGGG
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