me ajudemmmm pleaseeee

Soluções para a tarefa
Resposta: 1- David IS my friend
2- Tim and i ARE italian
3 - ARE the students at home? Yes, they ARE
4- I AM OU I'M american.
5- ARE we good students? Yes, you ARE. You ARE good students.
6- It IS a book. It IS a pen.
7- IS your dog beautiful? Yes, he IS
8- IS Sally your teacher or friend?
1- Are you two in the classroom? Yes, WE are.
2- Are you japanese boys? No, WE aren't.
3- No, IT isn't, IT is full of cokes.
4- Are THEY at school?. Yes, THEY are.
5- Am i your friend? Yes, YOU are.
6- Are you a teacher? Yes, I am.
7- Is that your book? Yes IT is.
8- Is your brother a doctor? No, HE isn't.
Bons estudos! Desculpe qualquer erro ;-;