Me ajudemmmm !!!!!!!!!!

Soluções para a tarefa
1) I have spoken to Mary.
2) The children haven't eaten anything.
3) Tom has forgotten to call me.
4) My mother has made a cake.
5) You haven't shut the window.
6) Victor has worked very hard.
7) I have heard from Tom.
8) We haven't gone to Paris.
9) The snow has stopped.
10) Alan hasn't seen TV today.
Make questions:
1) Sarah/leave? - Has Sarah left?
2) Mary/go home? - Has Mary gone home?
3) Where/you/put/the book? Where have you put the book?
4) You/phone to bill? - Have you phoned to Bill?
5) The newspaper/arrive? - Has the newspaper arrived?
O primeiro exercício é pra criar sentenças no tempo verbal "Present perfect", que é formado por has / have (aqui usado como verbo auxiliar), seguidos por um outro verbo no particípio passado (past participle verb).
Exemplo: “I have seen Star Wars.” (Eu assisti Star Wars)
O que confundiu um pouco, foi essa sinalização com os sinais (+) e (-) no primeiro exercício, então eu deduzi que possivelmente sejam pra indicar a construção da frase (sentença) no modo afirmativo e negativo...
Espero ter ajudado :D
1) Challenge: Write
a) One word to define the first semestre: Awesome (Incrível)
b) One activity you did during vacation: Soccer (Futebol)
c) One word you hope will define your second semestre: Progress (Progresso)