Inglês, perguntado por karynapr, 5 meses atrás

me ajudemmm
4 - Assinale as alternativas erradas:
a) I am will not be at home yesterday. ( )
b) I will stay at the party till the end. ( )
c) Alex will arrives late.( )
d) 'll you go to the party?( )
e) Will James open the window?( )
f) Your will mother cook a cake?( )​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por liviamarschool


a) I am will not be at home yesterday. ( X )

b) I will stay at the party till the end. ( )

c) Alex will arrives late.( )

d) 'll you go to the party?( )

e) Will James open the window?( )

f) Your will mother cook a cake?( X )​

Hope it helps!

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