Inglês, perguntado por raydasilveira, 9 meses atrás

Me ajudem....... urgente

Passe para a forma interrogativa.

a- I was born in USA.

b- You were tiref.

c- Daniel was hungry.

d- Jack and Bob were good friends.

e- Mary was Very happy.

f- Ryan was so cool.

g- Vinícius and Marcus were sick tão weecks.

h- John esse até Jack's house.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luanatrindade24

troca os pronomes pelo verbo e interroga

Respondido por CremildaBR


a. Was I born in the USA?

b. Were you tired?

c. Was Daniel hungry?

d. Were Jack and Bob good friends.?

e.  Was Mary very happy.?

f.  Was Ryan so cool?

g- Were Vinícius and Marcus sick ''tão weecks''.?

h- Was John at Jack's house?


''tão weecks''.? - não seria ''last week''?

John esse até Jack's house? - não seria ''John was at Jack's house''?

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