Inglês, perguntado por jennyferwitoriaprinc, 10 meses atrás

Me ajudem seus lindos!

Assinale a alternativa que completa as sentenças com (some, any, many, much) corretamente.

1. There aren’t ________ potatoes in the fridge. We have to go shopping.

2. We need ________ tomatoes for our dinner salad.

3. Sorry! There isn’t ________ coffee left in coffee pot!

4. They’ve got ________ new toys to donate for children in extreme poverty!

1)some – any – many – much.
2)any – some – much – many.
3)any – some – much – much.
4)many – much – some – any.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Leonardkkmkj

1. There aren’t any potatoes in the fridge. We have to go shopping.

2. We need some tomatoes for our dinner salad.

3. Sorry! There isn’t much coffee left in coffee pot!

4. They’ve got many new toys to donate for children in extreme poverty!

Espero ter ajudado =D

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