Inglês, perguntado por eumariajuliana116, 8 meses atrás

siga o modelo

It's colder in the south of Brazil than it is in the north. (much)
It's much colder in the south of Brazil than it is in the north.
It's not much colder in the south of Brazil than it is in the north.

1. College has been more difficult than high school. (much)
2. Your new house is bigger than the old house. (a little)
3. Lisa is more outgoing than her brother John. (far)
4. I have more friends here than I used to have in San Francisco. (many
5. Small cities used to be safer than big cities. (a lot) a lot
6. Susan's grades are better this semester. (even)
7. The scrambled eggs were more delicious than the pancakes. (much
8. The salary here is better than the salary at the other company. (a lot)
9. The players were more committed to the match tonight. (far)
10. It was easier to make the pudding this time. (a bit)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ronaldoandrielly


oi não poso ajudar tente outra materia

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