Inglês, perguntado por annahoseok0617, 8 meses atrás

Me ajudem POR FAVORRR A) Conjugue os verbos das frases abaixo com o tempo Simple Past. Lembrem-se há verbos Regulares e Irregulares, Questões afirmativas e negativas. Façam com calma. 1) I ___wrote________ a letter to my grandmother . (write) 2) She _______________ to feed her fish. (forget) 3) We ______________ your behave yesterday(like- negative) 4) She __________________ her right leg last week .(hurt) 5) _____ he __________ you something. (tell – interrogative) 6) She _______________ me about your accident. (tell) 7) The dog ____________ a cat on the roof. (see) 8) _______she _______my dog? (see) 9) I ___________a noise yesterday. (heard) 10) She ____________________ hard last week) (work – negative) 11) We _______________to her last year. (talk) 12) The school ____________ at 9 o´clock this morning. (open) 13) _____you______ _____ the movie last night? (watch – interrogative) 14) The movie ___________________ ended well. (have – negative) 15) You cousin _________________ lunch yesterday. (cook ) 16) We ______________ the information on the magazine´s website (find) 17) She ________________ a few mistakes. (make) 18) Where ____________you ________this Money.(get – interrogative) 19) They ____________to call me friend. (stop – negative) 20) I _____________you last month. (see)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafael12almeida8


1- wrote

2- forgot

3- don't like

4- hurt

5- did he told you something

6- told

7- saw

8- did she saw my dog?

9- heard

10- she doesn't worked

11- talked

12- opened

13- did you watched

14- doesn't had

15- cooked

16- found

17- made

18- did you got

19- doesn't stopped

20- saw

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