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Soluções para a tarefa
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We can use tools to make or mend things.
When you polish a car, it look new and shiny.
When something is broken, it doesn't work.
A bike has two wheels.
When you make a broken thing work again, you mend it.
A shed is a small building in a garden.
You use your voice to speak or sing.
We keep our knives, forks and spoons in a drawer.
We keep our plates and cups in a cupboard.
When you polish a car, it look new and shiny.
When something is broken, it doesn't work.
A bike has two wheels.
When you make a broken thing work again, you mend it.
A shed is a small building in a garden.
You use your voice to speak or sing.
We keep our knives, forks and spoons in a drawer.
We keep our plates and cups in a cupboard.
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Nós podemos usar as ferramentas para fazer ou consertar as coisas.Quando você polir um carro, olhar novo e brilhante.Quando algo está quebrado, ele não funciona.Uma bicicleta tem duas rodas.Quando você faz uma coisa funcionar quebrado novamente, você consertá-lo.Um galpão é um pequeno prédio em um jardim.Você usa sua voz para falar ou cantar.Mantemos as nossas facas, garfos e colheres em uma gaveta.Nós mantemos nossos pratos e copos em um armário.
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