Inglês, perguntado por caualima2112pdlvef, 9 meses atrás

Me ajudem por favor tenho que entregar isso amanhã vou lhe seguir de volta e vou deixar o obrigado


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por XebasTheEvildoer

a-) I was in the middle of a gangbang, lotsa girls sucking my meatstick. Felt so good.

b-) I was selling Slovakian slaves to a good sir, he thanked me.

c-) It was awful. The child that was responsible for doing the hard work (our slave) died out of starvation, and hiding the corpse was a pain.

d-) There was a storm that killed all of my neighbours, I danced on their corpses as a ritual.

e-) A+. I sexually harassed the teacher and threatened to kill her family otherwise.

f-) Yes. Luckily, I got a bj, so it was ok.

g-) Because I cummed on her mouth on purpose and she didn't like it, so I killed her family as retribution

h-) It was nice!

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