Matemática, perguntado por santosandreina740, 9 meses atrás

me ajudem por favor ...
eu ajudo vcs tbm .​

EstudanteRafaelR: você não anexou nada

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por carlliegsa



Explicação passo-a-passo:

(FILE) João Gilberto - divulgação

The work is the first book about João Gilberto written by someone who was close to the

musician in this case, another Bahian, also born in Juazeiro. Luiz Galvão, a member of

Novos Baianos and the group's main lyricist, had known João since he was a child

Galvão did not write a traditional biography. The poet wanted to relate episodes he had

shared with his friend, including his youth in Juazeiro, the affectionate welcome that João

gave to Novos Baianos when the group went to Rio de Janeiro, in the 1970s, and also the

concerts of the singer who accompanied him.

For fans unfamiliar with musical technique, what really matters are the numerous cases

described in the book, some of which are hilarious

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

Antes de fazer esses exercicios de recuperação, releia, por favor, sobre o Gênero Textual

Noticia, a última matéria sobre sufixo e prefixo

a) Escreva s Lide da noticia.

b) Qual é a mensagem principal do texto.

c) No texto há um caso de prefixo e alguns de sufixo. Escreva um caso de prefixo e uns três

de sufixo retirado do texto.

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