Inglês, perguntado por rebekah25, 1 ano atrás

Me ajudem por favor
É muito urgente

Preencha as lacunas com o past perfect continuous.
a) Susan had her knees and hands on the floor when I arrived, but she stood up quickly. She _________ (look) for her wallet.

b) When her boyfriend arrived, Anna was upset. He was very late and she _________ (wait) for almost an hour.

c) We _________ (play) the whole afternoon, but we had to stop because of the storm.

d) Dennis was very tired because he ________ (study) hard all day long.

e) My little sister woke up frightened in the middle of the night. She _________ (dream).

f) Mary hadn't studied for her test when her parents got home. She _________ (listen) to music all day long.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por belabieberrr


a) she was looking

B) she was waiting for

C) were playing

D) was studying

E) she was dreaming

F) was listening


Espero ter ajudadoo

Respondido por Lalaaaah21


a) had been looking

b) had been waiting

c) had been playing

d) had been studying

e) had been dreaming

f) had been listening

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