Inglês, perguntado por Leilanyluizasilva, 1 ano atrás


As COVID-19 social distancing and self quarantining continue for some states in Brazil and other parts of the world, it seems that people are going stir crazy not able to go and do the things they want to do. Do not freak out! There are still a lot of options that will keep you busy, even for leisure. Here are some tips:

Read a bestseller e-book by a famous writer
You can find on the internet hundreds of free e-books from national and international writers at your disposal;

Try to improve your English
The internet offers free courses and extensive material to make your English better;

Take cooking lessons
Watch cooking classes. Even on local TV programs you can learn how to make simple and cheap food;

Play Activities
Practice games such as Crossword Puzzles, Wordsearch, Cryptogram, Scrambled Words and others to exercise your memory.

Practice a physical activity
Depending on the physical space of your home, you can work out or do anything to exercise your body;

Prep for the Enem Exams
School has been hit and miss for many students since they shut down due to the pandemic, but those who are still interested, do not be discoraged.Non-face-to-face classes are taking place through on-line activities.
The Enem Exam tests will occur in November this year, according to the Ministry of Education.

Movies, comics, virtual tours, live music and theater, guitar lessons – all that and much more you can enjoy through a computer, phone, tablet or TV.

Remember, staying away from one another is the best way to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Keep safe, stay home and you’ll never regret.



1. Retire do texto as palavras transparentes (aquelas que se parecem, na forma escrita e no significado, ao português).

2. Retire do texto todos verbos, dizendo o tempo verbal em que se encontram.

3. Retire do texto palavras que tem o significado contrário às palavras abaixo.
end –
come –
study –
worse –
expensive –
4. Retire do texto palavras que tem o mesmo significado que:
many –
discover –
get better –
area –
forget –
5. O texto dado oferece sugestões para “o que fazer durante o isolamento social em tempo do COVID 19”. Dentre as sugestões oferecidas, temos,
A) Praticar atividades físicas ao ar livre, com restrições quanto ao distanciamento.
B) Esperar que as escolas voltem às suas atividades normais para se preparar para o Enem.
C) Praticar a culinária brasileira, preparando pratos simples e baratos.
D) Exercitar a memória com palavras cruzadas, caça-palavras, criptogramas, e outros.
E) Copiar textos e outros materiais da internet para ajudar nas tarefas da escola.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por auroraax



1)As,social,continue,internet,material,virtual,tablet e TV

2)going,Taking,staying(PRESENT CONTINUOUS)/Keep,Read,Can,Try,Take,Watch,Make,Pratice,Stay(INFINITIVE)



study-Play activities,pratice games




get better-best




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