Soluções para a tarefa
Explicação passo-a-passo:
= recipiente 3
O volume do cilindro pode ser interpretado da seguinte forma, observe que a base dele é uma circunferência, assim, se sobrepormos essa circunferência até que cheguemos ao topo do cilindro, teremos ocupado todo o volume desse sólido. Portanto, o volume do cilindro pode ser expresso como a área da circunferência somada h vezes, isto é, a área da circunferência multiplicada por h, que é a altura do cilindro. Veja:
= recipiente 2
Volume do cone = π. r². h/3
Volume do cilindro = π. r². h
ambos tem a mesma altura e raio
V cone = π. 252.1/3"> π.625/3 cm³
Vamos igualar esse volume com a do
v cone = v cilindro
П.625/3 = π.25².h
625/3 = 625.h (cancela o 625 de ambos os lados)
1/3 = h
resposta: altura do cilindro = 1/3 cm
= recipiente 1
A donor liver was divided in such a way that the left part (segment II and III without caval vein) could be transplanted into a child, the right part (segment I, IV, V to VIII) into an adult successfully. Common bile duct and common hepatic artery remained with the left part of the liver, portal vein with the right one. In the recipient of the left part of the liver the own caval vein was preserved and anastomosed with the left hepatic vein; the other anastomoses were carried out in the typical way. In the recipient of the right part of the liver the right hepatic artery of the graft was anastomosed with the recipient's common hepatic artery using a saphenous interponate. Two separate intrahepatic bile ducts were anastomosed with a Roux-en-Y loop of the jejunum. The other anastomoses were carried out in the typical way. Thus the possibility of using one donor liver for two recipients (splitting transplantation) has been demonstrated.