Soluções para a tarefa
He lives in Orange County, California and works at Sam Ash Music Store. Ken starts
to work at 10 am and stops working at 3 pm. After this, he
go to the conservatory and learn correctly
how to play the violin. He practice every day because he wants
to play in a big orchestra. He wants
to be like Joshua Bell, one of the most famous and glamorous
violinists on the planet right now.
Lives = vive
Works = trabalha
Starts = começa
Stops = para
Go = vai
Learn correctly = aprende corretamente
Practice = pratica
Wants = quer
He *lives* in Orange Country, California and *works* at Sam Ash Music Store. Ken *goes* to work at 10am and *stops* working at 3pm. After this, he *goes* to the conservvatory and *learns* how to play the violin. He *practices* every day because he *wants* to play in a big orchestra. He *wants* to be like Joshua Bell, one of the most famous and glamorous violinists on the planet right now.