me ajudem por favor

Soluções para a tarefa
5. a) don't
6. b) does
7. b) doesn't
8. alternativa d)
9. alternativa e)
10. neg: John and Mary don't do their lessons every day
int: Do John and Mary do their lessons every day?
5. you - você - you - do/don't
6. she - irmã - she (ela) - does/doesn't
7. your baby - seu bebê - he (ele) - does/doesn't
8. as crianças - the children - they (eles/elas) - correto: do/don't, incorreto: does/doesn't
9. Maria - she (ela) - does/doesn't (correto!)
10. they - do/don't, como já dito antes.
Em perguntas, primeiro do, em frases negativas, don't após sujeito, ou do not, caso preferir
5. Alternativa A (DON'T)
6. Alternativa B (DOES)
7. Alternativa B (DOESN'T)
8. Alternativa D (The children doesn't speak English very well.)
9. Alternativa E (Does Maria go to work by bus?)
- Negativa: John and Mary don't do their lessons every day.
- Interrogativa: Do John and Mary do their lessons every day?