Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 7 meses atrás

me ajudem pôr favor​


mdudazecchin2: int: Is she a teacher ?
Usuário anônimo: E as outras

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mdudazecchin2


int: is she a teacher?

neg: she isn't a teacher

int : is she a teacher?

neg: she isn't a teacher                          

 int : Are we singer?

neg : we aren't singers                                    

int : is he a student?

neg: he isn't a student                                

int: are they birds?

neg: they aren't birds                                       

int: am i a boy?

neg : i am not a boy                                        

 int: are you a student of english ?

neg: you aren't a student of english

mdudazecchin2: ficou td bugado dlscp
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