Inglês, perguntado por IsisSantosQQ30, 8 meses atrás

me ajudem por favor​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por amabilelehmkuhl

g- Are John and Steven going to be late?
h- Is the air plane going to be late?
i-Am I going to be late?
j- Are you going to be late?
k- Is it going to be late?
a- (I) Was Emily at home last night?
(N) Emily wasn’t at home last night
b- (I) Was she at school yesterday?
(N) She wasn’t at school yesterday
c- (I) Were they well before I left?
(N) They weren’t well before I left
d- (I) Were we studying when I arrived?
(N) We weren’t studying when I arrived
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