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Soluções para a tarefa
Its summer. I think I will go to the beach next weekend.
They don’t have much money. They probably won’t buy that house.
We are very busy today. We will probably arrive home late.
My son doesn’t want to have lunch now. I think he will have a snack later.
Caroline needs to study because she has a test tomorrow. I don’t think she will play tennis this afternoon
Ask the questions and your teacher will answer them.
I like your friend. I will invite him to go to the movies with us.
Complete dialog ...
Will Mr. Lee like this hotel?
I don’t think he will like it.
1. She is going to live in Rome
2. He is going to central London…
3. We are goint to travel abroad
4. They’re going to get it at the consulate.
5. He is going to camping
6. She is going to buy….