Inglês, perguntado por maluuhh220, 9 meses atrás

Me ajudem por favor!

1) Marque a alternativa que apresenta a opção correta do “past perfect”.

My cousin _________ to me for weeks.

a) doesn't write

b) don't write

c) had not written

d) has not being written

e) have written

2) Marque a alternativa que completa a lacuna do diálogo abaixo:

A: Was that 9 o’clock train?

B: Yes, you ___________ it.

a) have just missed

b) has just missed

c) have just miss

d) have just missing

e) had just miss

3) Preencha os espaços em branco com a forma verbal correta:

When she __________ I __________ to do my work.

a) has arrived – had tried

b) arrived – was trying

c) arrives – was trying

d) has arrived – has tried

e) arrived – try

4) Complete the gap in the sentence below with the best alternative:

In the past, English cavaliers __________ swords while __________ on the left.

Passe as sentenças a seguir para o “Past Perfect” e complete os espaços com a forma correta dos verbos em parênteses nesse tempo verbal da língua inglesa:

6) a) He ____________________ (live) in Germany before she went to Brazil.

b) After I____________________ (eat) the birthday cake, I began to feel sick.

c) If we ____________________ (listen) to her, we would have got the best place in the theater.

d) Ingrid didn’t arrive there until after I ____________________ (leave).

e) When I ____________________ (finish) lunch, I called him.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaghn

1) Marque a alternativa que apresenta a opção correta do “past perfect”.

My cousin ___had not written______ to me for weeks.

a) doesn't write

b) don't write

c) had not written

d) has not being written

e) have written

2) Marque a alternativa que completa a lacuna do diálogo abaixo:

A: Was that the 9 o’clock train?  

B: Yes, you __have just missed_________ it.

a) have just missed

b) has just missed

c) have just miss

d) have just missing

e) had just miss

3) Preencha os espaços em branco com a forma verbal correta:

When she __arrived________ I __was trying________ to do my work.

a) has arrived – had tried

b) arrived – was trying

c) arrives – was trying

d) has arrived – has tried

e) arrived – try

4) Complete the gap in the sentence below with the best alternative:

In the past, English cavaliers __________ swords while __________ on the left.

(faltou tu colocar as alternativas dessa 4, não dá pra responder sem saber quais verbos precisa usar)

6) Passe as sentenças a seguir para o “Past Perfect” e complete os espaços com a forma correta dos verbos em parênteses nesse tempo verbal da língua inglesa:

 a) He ______had lived______________ (live) in Germany before she went to Brazil.

b) After I_____had eaten_______________ (eat) the birthday cake, I began to feel sick.

c) If we ____had listened________________ (listen) to her, we would have got the best place in the theater.

d) Ingrid didn’t arrive there until after I _____had left__________ (leave).

e) When I _______had finished_________ (finish) lunch, I called him.

maluuhh220: obrigada!
Respondido por MarciaAguilar

1) A alternativa que apresenta a opção correta do “past perfect” é a alternativa c) had not written . A frase completa fica:

My cousin had not written to me for weeks.

(Tradução: Meu primo não me escrevia há semanas).

O Past perfect é formado com o verbo auxiliar to have (ter) no passado, "had", junto com o verbo principal conjugado no Past Participle (particípio passado)

A única alternativa que apresenta "had + verbo no partícípio passado" é a alternativa c) had not written.

2) A alternativa que completa a lacuna do diálogo abaixo é a alternativa a) have just missed . A frase completa fica:

A: Was that 9 o’clock train?

B: Yes, you have just missed it.

Tradução: A: Era o trem das 9 horas?

B: Sim, você acabou de perdê-lo.

A conjugação para  verbo to have (ter) na segunda pessoa do singular (you), é "you have".

3) A alternativa que completa as lacunas da frase abaixo é a alternativa b) arrived – was trying  . A frase completa, com os espaços em branco preenchidos corretamente, fica:

When she arrived I was trying to do my work.

Aqui devemos usar o passado simples (arrived) e o passado contínuo (was trying), pois ocorre o relato de uma ação que eu estava fazendo no passado (eu estava tentando fazer meu trabalho) quando ela chegou.

4) A alternativa que completa as lacunas da frase abaixo é a alternativa a) drew – riding  . A frase completa, com os espaços em branco preenchidos corretamente, fica:

In the past, English cavaliers drew swords while riding on the left.

(Tradução: No passado, os cavaleiros ingleses sacavam as espadas enquanto cavalgavam pela esquerda.)

A expressão "In the past" informa que a frase está no passado, por isso usamos o verbo "drew" (sacavam) no "simple past" (passado simples).

A expressão "while" (enquanto) informa que algo ocorria enquanto outra coisa ocorria simultaneamente. Portanto, o verbo em seguida deve  terminar em -ing, conforme "riding" (cavalgavam).

5. Para passar as sentenças ao "Past Perfect", devemos completar os espaços com os verbos neste tempo verbal conforme as sentenças a seguir:

a) He had lived (live) in Germany before she went to Brazil.

b) After I had eaten (eat) the birthday cake, I began to feel sick.

c) If we had listened (listen) to her, we would have got the best place in the theater.

d) Ingrid didn’t arrive there until after I had left (leave).

e) When I had finished (finish) lunch, I called him.

Espero ter ajudado!

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