- Me Ajudem Por Favoor!
1- Reescreva as sentenças abaixo substituindo as palavras sublinhadas (com letra maiúscula) com o SUBJECT ou OBJECT PRONOUNS.
a) I love CATHERINE.
b) Sign with TERRY AND ME.
c) CLARISSA was by the door
d) I don't like the ney technologies.
2-Circule as opções CORRETAS.
a) Teenagers who are LOOK/LOOKING for their first job a new computer.
b) Since you have the money, you can BUY/ BUYING a new computer.
c) He had an accident while he was texting ad DRIVE/ DRIVING.
d) It's nice to turn my phone off class. I don't really like BE/BEING connected all the time.
3- A respeito do PRONOME PASSIVO em inglês, marque a alternativa INCORRETA.
a) O pronome possessivo de I é my.
b) O pronome possessivo de She é His.
c) O pronome possessivo de You é Your.
d) O pronome possessivo de We é Our.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
a- I love her.
b- Sign with us.
c- She was by the door.
d- I don't like it.
a- Looking.
b- Buy.
c- Driving.
d- Being.
a- I love her.
b- Sign with us.
c- She was by the door.
d- I don't like it.
a- Looking.
b- Buy.
c- Driving.
d- Being.
- Obriigado!!
Perguntas interessantes
Ed. Física,
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