História, perguntado por UmaBaka, 4 meses atrás

ME AJUDEM PLSSSSSSS (coloquei sem querer historia mas é ingles)

Observe o seguinte quadro e depois complete as sentenças:

Palavras no singular

Palavras no plural

foot (pé)

feet (pés)

man (homem)

men (homens)

mouse (rato)

mice (ratos)

tooth (dente)

teeth (dentes)

woman (mulher)

women (mulheres)

1…………………. are usually afraid of cats.

2.An adult person has 32……………

3.We humans walk with our………….

4…………………….. and ………………….. have equal rights.

5.Don’t use your……………….. to open bottles.


that (que) - usado para pessoas, animais e coisas.

who (que) - usado para pessoas

Complete as sentenças com who ou that:

1.Fever is a symptom………………...is common in the flu.

2.Where are the letter papers…………………….are decorated with birds?

3.In Europe there are many people……………...speak two or three languages.

4.What’s the name of the man……………...lives alone upstairs?

5.She’s a person…………….makes everybody happy.


among - entre (três ou mais elementos)

between - entre (dois elementos)

Complete as sentenças com among e between:

1.I guess that there is something……………..Randolph and Penelope.

2.”Can’t you find a sharpener……………………...your things, Raymond?”

3.He’s going to arrive………………………..Wednesday and Friday.

4.She is going to divide the money……………..her five children.

5.Look at the keyboard! The letter h is…………………. the g and the j.

by - de; por. Usada com meios de transporte e para designar meios de comunicação: by car, by fax.

on - no; na; a. Usada para indicar a localização a bordo de um meio de transporte e para indicar o meio de comunicação através do qual algo é apresentado. Usamos on também antes de dias da semana ou datas nas quais o dia é mencionado.

Complete as sentenças com by e on:

1.I love to listen to hit parades……….the radio, and sometimes……….TV.

2.We are going to invite our clients……….telegram, not……...telephone.

3.What do you usually do……...Saturdays and…………..Sundays?

4.You can make your trip……………..airplane……….or ship.

5.In Japan, passengers read a lot…..buses and…….trains.

6.We never go to school………...car. We usually go……………….foot.

7.Her children are always here…………..Mother’s Day.

8.Please, send me your order…...fax or……...email.

9.Where are you going to be………..your birthday?

10………….Friday nights I like to go to the cinema.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por yasminnunes04
1. Mice
2. Teeth
3. Feet
4.men women
5. tooth


1. that
2. that
3. who
4. who
5. who

UmaBaka: obgg
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