Inglês, perguntado por kchristina891, 11 meses atrás

me ajudem pfvrrrr é pra hj​


kchristina891: vo ve c acho a tabela
anaclaraducca01: achou alguma coisa?
kchristina891: dsclp eu n achei nd
anaclaraducca01: humm
anaclaraducca01: tendi
anaclaraducca01: facil
kchristina891: consegue faze sem a tabela?
kchristina891: achei a tabela
kchristina891: vo posta agr

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anaclaraducca01

01- does history repeat in itself

02- will do it same

03- my grandmother, she decided to interrupt the meeting

04- these trielves are going to kill herself

05- Fred and I found the answer for himself

06- they even have to get rid of drugs

07- Jack, helen and i are same asking several questions

08- take this money,karen, herself and buy an umbrella

09- the old man is shaving and she and her wife are combing themselves

10- little paula dress and myself

11- one always when myself love comes

espero ter ajudado :)

kchristina891: obrigada
anaclaraducca01: de nada
anaclaraducca01: já consegui fazer sem a tabela
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