Inglês, perguntado por sammy57, 1 ano atrás

me ajudem pfvr preciso MT disso​


sammy57: me ajudem

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo


a -Negativa - my mother didn't clean all the house yesterday.

interogativa- did my mother clean all the house yesterday?

b- negativa - Maria didn't enjoy the party.

interogativa- did Maria enjoy the party?

c- Negativa - he didn't call to the hospital.

interogativa- did call to the hospital ?

d- negativa- I didn't close the door.

interogativa- did I close the door?


a- I walked in the park yesterday.

b- he cried last night.

c- they hated orange juice.

d- she moved the sofa.

espero ter ajudado. (◠‿◕)

sammy57: ajudou e MT :3
sammy57: obg ^^
Usuário anônimo: por nada
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