me ajudem pfvr, as perguntas estão na foto

Soluções para a tarefa
2 are going drive
3 is going to
4 is going visit
5 are going write
6 are going to offer
7 are going to spend
8 is going buy
9 am going feed
10 is going wash
11 is going help
12 am going to repair
13 are going study
14 are going have
15 are going ride
Se vc precisar de ajuda na pergunta q está escrito "transforme as sentenças afirmativas do exercício 1 em sentenças negativas e interrogativas" eu te ajudo :)
2.They going to drive in Dublin
3.He going to go to the football match
4.She going to visit her aunt
5.We going to write a test
6.They going to offer them tea
7.My Friends going to spend their holidays in Wales
8.My Uncle going to buy a birthday present for harry
9.I going to feed the rabbits
10.My Father going to wash his car
11.Tom going to help you with the homework
12.I going to repair if for you
13.They going to study japanese
14.We going to have a drink
15.You going to ride a horse