Inglês, perguntado por lucasffarina, 8 meses atrás

Me ajudem Pfv não sei fazer


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por brendamonnyse97

a) A: “I think there's someone at the door.” B: “I will get it.”

b) My father thinks schools will be extincts.

c) A: “They are moving apartment tomorrow.” B: “I will come and help Them.”

d) If he passes the exam, he will be incredible happy.

e) I will be here at eight o'clock, I promise.

Pass the sentences to the future simple negative:

a) We afraid we will not be able to come to Paris with them.

b) I've tried everything, but she will not agree.

c) A: “Go and wash your clothes.” B: “I will not do it.

d) I will not take the bus today, I'll come to home with you.

e) In my opinion, I believe he will not pass the test.

Ao invés de "Will not" você também pode usar a forma contraída "won't"

A mesma coisa com "I will" você pode usar "I'll" mas os dois estão certos.

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