Me ajudem pfv é um trabalho eu preciso tirar nota Boa!!!
Soluções para a tarefa
Olá, veja abaixo as palavras correspondentes aos espaços:
• to live — lived;
• to study — studied;
• not - to travel — did not traveled;
• to start — started;
• to learn — learned;
• to use — used;
• not - to mix — did not mixed;
• not - to like — did not liked;
• not - to live — did not lived;
• to die — died.
Segue abaixo o texto completo:
Seurat was a French painter. He lived in Paris, France. He studied art there. He did not traveled a lot during his life.
He started to draw in black and white.
Then he learned about science and colors.
He used dots of color in his paintings. He did not mixed the colors. Some people did not liked his paintings because they were different. Seurat did not lived for very long.
He died when he was 31.
Espero ter ajudado! :-)