Inglês, perguntado por vitordantas6783, 1 ano atrás

Me ajudem pessoal 1 what do You know about Emma whatson? Mark The items with those of a classmaté.
[ ] she isso an actress and Activist
[ ] she isso from The united states.
[ ] she is famous for her participation in the harry Potter film séries.
[ ] she is united nations women goodwill ambassador.
Qual dessas devo marca tem que ser o mais rápido possível dou pontos.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por unbajwa
Estas são as respostas corretas:
[×] She's an actress and activist
[×] She's famous for her participation in the Harry Potter film series
[×] She's an United Nations Women Goodwill Ambassador

Good luck
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