Inglês, perguntado por leandrocruzpvp, 1 ano atrás

me ajudem nessa atividade ;-;


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por isaduartsantos



A) I am                              G) Mike is

B) You are                        H) Carol is

C) He is                             I) Carol and Mike are

D) She is                           J) Carol, Mike and I are

E) We are                          K) The cat is

F) They are                        L) Our cars are


A) My name is Thiago.

B) I am Brazilian. I am from a small town near Curitiba.

C) How are you?

D) How is your mom?

E) Is he ok?

F) What is your name?

G) What is your dad name?

H) This is my friend Lucas.

I) Where are you from?

J) Where is she from?

K) I am very tired.

L) We are from England.

M) Where are they from?

N) Are we really ready for this?

O) You are the best friend ever.

P) The computer is not here.

Q) Where is my pencil?



This is a easy lesson.

This is not a easy lesson.

Is this a easy lesson?


You are a student.

You are not a student.

Are you a student?


Carla is a teacher.

Carla is not a teacher.

Is Carla a teacher?

((espero ter ajudado! <3

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