Inglês, perguntado por raaahlindona009, 6 meses atrás

me ajudem, não entendi nada ​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por deepgnaplay


1 - Micaela "HAS" lost her bag.

2 - Have you "TIDY" room?

3 - Paul "HAS" written you a text message.

4 - They "HASN'T" gone to that café yet.

5 - my father has "BUY" a laptop.

6 -My sister "HAS" watched a lot of TV.

7 - I have "GIVEN" a new MP3 player to my brother

8 - Has he ever "USED" a DVD player?

9 - My mother has just "MISSED" the bus

10 - "HAS" has you ever walked in the snow?

Explicação: Circule as palavras em negrito.

bons estudos ♡

raaahlindona009: muito obrigado, ajudou bastante
Respondido por lucasandrade09azaz
1- Has
2- Tidy
3- Has
4- Hasn’t
5- Buy
6- Has
7- Given
8- Used
9- Missed
10- Has

Espero ter ajudado !!

raaahlindona009: muito obrigado
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