Inglês, perguntado por lorenapinheiro6591, 7 meses atrás

Me ajudem na questão ! White The cardial numbers and The ordinal num bers

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por neonrj



Cardinal numbers (are used to count a set of objects and tell us about quantity):

1- One
2- Two
3- Three
4- Four
5- Five
6- Six
7- Seven
8- Eight
9- Nine
10- Ten

Ordinal numbers (show something’s position in a series, such as its sequential order, ranking, or place in a list):
1- First (1st)
2- Second (2nd)
3- Third (3rd)
4- Fourth (4th)
5- Fifth (5th)
6- Sixth (6th)
7- Seventh (7th)
8- Eighth (8th)
9- Nineth (9th)
10- Tenth (10th)

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