ME AJUDEM!!! homework 127 t6

Soluções para a tarefa
a) N- You can't encourage your brother to study more.
I- Can you encourage your brother to study more?
b) N- She couldn't have more discipline with her studies.
I- Could she have more discipline with her studies?
c) N- We mustn't be more determined to achieve our goals.
I- Must we be more determined to achieve our goals?
d) N- He shouldn't feel bad about that misunderstanding.
I- Should he feel bad about that misunderstanding?
e) N- They won't make a decision without the teacher.
I- Will they make a decision without the teacher?
f) N- We wouldn't make an effort to help her.
I- Would we make an effort to help her?
Espero ter ajudado.
Para transformar as sentenças em "negative" e "interrogative", é necessário que se saiba mais sobre tais frases.
Sobre Negative and interrogative sentences:
- Frases negativas geralmente são formadas adicionando "not" depois da primeira parte do verbo. Isso também pode ser feito através da contraçao desse verbo com o "not" ( como em do + not = don't ).
- Para transformar as frases em interrogativas, deve-se colocar a primeira parte do verbo na frente do sujeito.
Sabendo disso, é possível que se complete a questão:
Negative: You can't encourage your brothe to study more.
Interrogative: Can you encourage your brother to study more?
Negative: She couldn't have more discipline with her studies.
Interrogative: Could she have more disciplin with her studies?
Negative: We mustn't be more determined to achieve or goals.
Interrogative: Must we be more determined to achieve or goals?
Negative: He shouldn't feel bad about that misunderstanding.
Interrogative: Should he feel bad about that misundestanding?
Negative: They won't make a decision without the teacher.
Interrogative: Will they make a decision without the teacher?
Negative: We wouldn't make an efford to help her.
Interrogative: Would we make an efford to help her?
É possível observar nas respostas exatamente o que fora dito sobre a formação das frases negativas e das frases interrogativas.
Aprenda mais sobre as frases negativas e interrogativas aqui: