Inglês, perguntado por moranguinho229534, 8 meses atrás

Me ajudem é para completar

A-______is used to make cake,Juice or salad, It is a long pointed orange root

B-______is a plant with large green leaves,eating raw in salads usually with tomato

C-______is a vegetable that is made of several layers surrounding each other and that has a strong smell and flavor

D-______is na oval-shaped vegetable with a shiny dark purple skin,which is usually eaten cooked

E-______is a large round vegetable that is yellow or orange and that has many seeds​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luisakS2


a. carrot

b. tem vários, mais radieh and spring onion or lettuce

c. green or purple onion

d. eggplant

e. pumpkin

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