Inglês, perguntado por mariana3metelo, 7 meses atrás


Responda as questões abaixo, de acordo com o texto.
Brazil is the biggest country in South America. It borders every other country of the continent except Chile and Ecuador. Brazil is very much a country of contrasts. When someone hears the word Brazil, one thinks of the great Amazon Forest, fantastic beaches, great soccer players, Carnival time –and that’s all.Well, Brazil, the most important country in South America, certainly has MUCH more to offer –warm people, great cities with everythingfrom slums to high technology, a wide range of weather patterns, an awesome mixture of cultures and races –and much more!The most visited places in Brazil include Fernando de Noronha Island, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, the relaxing city of Salvador in the northeast, or the old colonial towns of Ouro Preto and Olinda. For natural beauty, try a visit to Iguacu Falls. If you have the chance, the best time to visit is Carnival. There is nothing in the whole wide world like Carnival in Rio.Brasilia, the capital city of the country, is known by its great architecture. It is a planned city. The most up-and-coming resort in Brazil is now the small friendly Praia de Pipa, in the Northeast of the country; serviced by international airports at Natal and Recife, this small town is popular with both Brazilians and foreign tourists.In Southern Brazil you can visit the state of Santa Catarina, which is visited every year by people who prefer not too crowded spots like major cities or places where all tourists go. Small beaches like Mariscal, Garopaba, Taquaras or Estaleiro beach are not too far away from medium size cities, so they provide all necessary structure, but at the same time still conserve their natural enchantments.Many options of adventure activities such as rafting, diving, fishing, trekking are also available in this beautiful region.
1 –No que as pessoas geralmente pensam quando ouvem a palavra “Brasil”?__________________________________________________________________________________
2 –O que o Brasil tem a oferecer?__________________________________________________________________________________
3 –Quais são os lugares mais visitados do país?__________________________________________________________________________________
4 –Que informações o texto traz sobre a Praia de Pipa?__________________________________________________________________________________
5 –Que informações o texto traz sobre as praias Mariscal, Garopaba, Taquaras e Estaleiro?__________________________________________________________________________________
6 –As frases abaixo apresentam adjetivos no grau superlativo. Que palavra antecede esses adjetivos? A que classe pertence essa palavra?
Brazil is thebiggestcountry in South America
.Brazil is themost importantcountry in South America.
Themost visitedplaces include the city of Salvador.
Thebesttime to visit is Carnival.
Themost up-and-comingresort in Brazil is the small friendly Praia de Pipa
7 –Observe as frases abaixo.Ambas têmartigos que se referem a um mesmo substantivo:city(sendo "planned" e "capital" adjetivos referentes a "city"). Na primeira frase, temos o artigo "the", e na segunda, temos o artigo "a". A pergunta é: porque foram utilizados artigos diferentes em cada frase?
Brasilia isthecapital city of the country.
Brasiliaisaplanned city.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lucilene7423


1=Suas observações sobre o Brasil (“às vezes um pouco exageradas”, avisa) vão de questões bem conhecidas por quem mora aqui – a quantidade de filas, o prato típico à base de arroz e feijão, o gosto por novelas – até outros hábitos que podem parecer universais para nós, mas surpreendem quem é de outro país.

2= Há um certo momento na trajetória de uma nação que ela se considera escolhida. Aí, ela dá o melhor ou o pior de si”

3= Rio de Janeiro, são Paulo, Brasília "DF"

as outras não sei :)

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